The Fruit of the Spirit Children’s Book Now Available in Nigeria

July 2021.

The first prints of our children’s book #thefruitofthespirit are now available in Nigeria , both in Color and Black & White.

Special Thanks to Mr Patrick Mundi and to Value Plus Printing for all their hard work.

To get your own copy,
Contact Mr Patrick Mundi
Phone number: 08101033541 or 00235 08101033541

The Fruit of the Spirit Children’s Book Launch

June 6, 2021. US Book Launch.
Fridley, Minnesota, USA. 

They say: “Charity begins at home.”
And my home church is where our book, the Fruit of the Spirit, was first launched by the General Overseer of Recreation Fire and Miracles Ministries himself, Prophet Austin Idahosa. What a great privilege!

The first 50 copies sold out quickly, and more orders were placed.

“I would like to purchase copies for every child in the children’s ministry. Can you let me know how many they are?” Deacon asked.
“Yes sir, will do,” I replied. 

“I would need a copy for my grand-daughter. She’s 4-years-old and loves reading. They’ll be coming over to visit me next month. I’ll read it to her,” Deaconess said. 
 “Here you go, Deaconness,” I responded.

“Can you autograph my copy?” another sister asked.
“Sure thing,” I replied. “What name shall I address the personal note to?” I asked.

“Oh, mine,” she replied. “I browsed over it. I really like it. I don’t know why you say it’s just for kids.”

I smiled, as I wrote a personal note on her copy… “may you grow in the grace and wisdom of our Lord, God. Lots of Love, Judith Jogwuia.”

After service, I knelt down at the altar. “ Thank you, Lord,” I prayed. “You’re awesome!”

I could sense Him smiling back in response.

Deaconess would later show me a picture of her adorable grand-daughter, with the book in her hands and a broad smile on her face. “She loved it,” she told me. 

My eyes swelled up with tears of joy. I was so grateful. God was already spreading the book to many homes and touching the hearts of little children, just as He has promised. My God is faithful, indeed!

Grab a copy from Barnes and Noble or Amazon and be blessing to a child.


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It’s a great day today! The Fruit of the Spirit is officially published!

Not that it was published today – just that I discovered it today.

After doing a wild search for the author on Google. Lo and behold, an Amazon book link was among the ‘articles’ that showed up. Filled with immense gratitude and gratification, I was tempted to place the first order – at least I think it would be since I haven’t put the word out there about this book. I wanted it to be reality first.

You see, ever since I told my children I was working on publishing the book that they had helped conceive, and even typed out some portion of the manuscript, they have been asking me almost on a daily basis if the book is out yet.

“I can’t wait for the book to be out so you can read it to us at bed time, Mom,” said my oldest. And of course, they want the hard cover version.

So while I don’t want to self-promote, it’s hard to quell the immense joy that I feel, and even more so, the overwhelming joy that I’ll feel when I read the words of the actual book to them, with a copy in my hands.

My personal mission as a children’s book author  is to provide the next generation of children with keys for successful and happy lives, while transforming our families and communities, one child at a time. So, my fervent desire is that this book will get into the hands of every child that it can possibly reach, all over the world, and that they will be transformed by it.

I hope that they feel inspired. I hope that the book serves as a constant reminder that they too can express their God-given talent and  fulfill their potential, without limitation, while impacting lives across geographical borders – right from where they stand. I hope that they remember this long after I’m gone.

20% of the profit from this book sale will go towards helping underprivileged children in Africa get access to education and educational material, starting with orphaned children that have been internally displaced due to the civil unrest in Cameroon and are currently at the mercy of missions and goodwill ambassadors for survival. When you buy “The Fruit of the Spirit”,  you will be impacting a child’s life for good.

You will find the Fruit of the Spirit on major distribution channels like Amazon,, Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Nobles. 

Be the first to get a copy. I’ll appreciate your support to spread the word about this book and visit us social media.

Kind regards,

Judith Jogwuia


About the Book

The Fruit of the Spirit is the maiden book of the Children Want to Know series, whose goal is to simplify the mysteries of the Bible in a practical way that will satisfy the child’s curious mind.

Strong and healthy societies are built when we teach our children sound moral virtues. As they grow, these virtues will translate into good qualities that can shape the world into societies thriving in love, peace, and joy.

This book will take you on an adventure to discover God the Holy Spirit as the invisible Friend and Helper, who can enable and teach you anything. It shares practical ways in which you can invite God into your daily activities to empower you to bear the fruit of good moral qualities like love, joy, peace, and more, so you can live a happy and satisfying life.

Special features include Bible memory verses that aim to build a mental library of God’s truths about you, and a reflection that will reinforce your learning.

Author’s Note

We are very excited to share with you the first book of this series: The Fruit of the Spirit.

The inspiration for this book was born one Saturday afternoon in December of 2020, while my children and I were learning a song about the Fruit of the Spirit. They were so passionate about the topic and had many questions. So, when I suggested that we could write a book on the topic, they thought it would be a great idea.

And so, immediately, we started writing the first draft. They were so excited that they took turns to type out the manuscript of the first chapter or so… until they found another more fun thing to do!

I believe that other children, like mine, will be equally interested in knowing more about the Fruit of the Spirit.

This book is a great gift for the child that you seek to train with sound moral virtues, right from a young age, and for any child that is curious about God.

My personal mission is to give the next generation of children keys to a successful and happy life, while transforming our families and communities one child at a time.

Would you help us get this book into the hands of as many children as possible all over the world?

Here are some ways you can support:

  • Share “The Fruit of the Spirit” with every child you know and leave a review on Amazon.
  • Get the book for your school or local library.
  • Spread the word about this book in your schools, communities, and your social media
  • Invite me for a free book reading session at your event.
  • Leave a picture or video of you and/or a child with the book on our Contact page here and our social media.